A wick dipper is a great multi purpose candle care tool. You can use it for extinguishing a flame, moving a shifted wick and removing debris from the wax pool.
To extinguish the flame use the wick dipper to bend the wick at an angle until it’s fully submerged in the liquid wax. This will extinguish the flame without producing any smoke. Pull the wick out of the wax and straighten it immediately so that it doesn’t get lost or get moved out of center.
Putting out the wick in its own wax will condition the wick, which can make it easier to light and burn cleaner during subsequent burns.
Sometimes a bit of the burnt wick or a piece of a match debris can fall into the wax pool. Once you extinguish your candle, use the wick dipper to carefully remove any debris that may be present.
Wick Dippers can only be used to extinguish cotton wick candles. Do not use with taper candles or wood wick candles.